Friday, April 20, 2007

Fun news!!

I am typing this on my lovely new macbook! Yay! It finally arrived today in tiptop shape! I haven't been this happy/relieved in a while :-)

I also leave early tomorrow morning to hop on a taxi, then a bus, then a boat!! And yes, I am badass and am diving with sharks ;-) They are only reef sharks, tiger sharks, and maybe if we are lucky we'll see a hammerhead or two. And they don't feed them so they don't get all frenzied. They just swim around and the researchers catch them and tag them. Well, I don't want to give too much away because I am sure I will have LOTS to talk about when I get back next weekend. For now, here is a link to some pictures from the trip I am going on. These pics are from March:

Oh, and I just saw THIS today... let's hope this doesn't happen to me!! The new Bermuda Triangle perhaps??

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