Friday, February 6, 2009

Boston's Famous Chicken! It's wicked good!

A conversation I had last night:

ME: Rubber Chicken? That's not a very appetizing drink name.

Anonymous: It must be a Boston drink.
ME: Huh??
A: You know ... Boston Chicken!
ME: What? Are you trying to be funny?
A: No... Boston is famous for its chicken!
ME: No it's not... what are you talking about?!?

A: Yeah my friend Paul is from Boston, and when I first saw his car I knew it was his cause he had a rubber chicken on the dash. Ya know, for Boston.
ME: Dude, that doesn't make any sense. I don't think people in boston even eat chicken. Are you thinking about baked beans? Clam chowder? Tea parties?
A: Come on - you lived there... Boston chicken! Ya know.. from Field of Dreams!
A: You know, how Boston always has chickens hanging in the shop windows....
ME: You mean a Vietnamese open air market??
A: Nooooo! Come on! Boston chicken!!


Anonymous said...
it used to be called "boston chicken"..... hmm....

Kezza said...

Yeah maybe that is where it came from? Idunno. It was still hilarious though! I was so confused!

Anonymous said...

aw, it didn't print my whole name!

i'm not sure i can speak for boston when i'm actually from jersey

p.s. when you google "boston chicken," boston market is the first thing that comes up. apparently the company boston chicken filed for bankruptcy in 1998. no more chicken in boston.