Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lazy River .. I mean.. White Water Rafting!!

Thanks to Living Social, Josh and I scored an awesome deal on a white water rafting trip up in Kremmling, CO on the upper Colorado river.  Of course I bought the tickets before I knew anything about the trip, and later found out that the minimum age for this trip is FOUR.  Well, I guess it would be a good introduction right?  Let's just say floating down the Boulder Creek in an inner tube is more white water than this trip was.  At least it was a gorgeous day, and what can be bad about floating down a river?  Add in some "hot" springs, a 30ft cliff jump, and free lunch, and I'd say we still got our money's worth.  Can't wait for some actual rapids next time though! 

The trip happened to coincide with a 3-day bike trip some of my coworkers were doing, so we met them in Steamboat at the end of their ride.  I think next time Josh might actually join them for some mountain pass riding! Yeah, not me. I'll meet you in the bar ;-)

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