Monday, October 20, 2008

While most of the country was watching football...

Sunday, Vanessa and I ventured out of the Boulder bubble into Focus-on-the-Family-Land. That's right, Colorado Springs. It actually looks a lot like Boulder, just different political signs. And Pike's Peak is definitely not as attractive as Long's Peak. Sorry Pike's.

Our destination was Garden of the Gods - a place I've heard a lot about (especially in the climbing community), but had never seen. Ditto Vanessa. Vanessa also wanted to check out a famous and amazingly talented glass artist - Dale Chihuly - at the Fine Arts Center. Unfortuntately, I found out after we had left the museum that I would have been allowed to take pictures of the amazing glass work. Oh well, next time! All in all, a pretty good day in the Springs. Dare I say that I actually look forward to going there again?

Pics from Garden of the Gods...

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