Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fashion Show

Checked out a fashion show at a club in Denver Saturday night. Interesting scene. It seemed that most of the regular patrons were Eastern European, and the employee dress code for women was "Clothing Not Allowed". Some chicas were wearing fancy lingerie, which looked appropriate I guess for that kind of club. But other girls were simply wearing bras and underwear and it was awkward. I felt like I was in someone else's nightmare where they show up to work without clothes on. My instinct was to take off my jacket and offer it to the girls. Shortly after a girl in a bikini got on stage and started dancing, I left, went home and read my book club book. Yeah, I'm cool.


Anonymous said...

was this the yelp event? an underwear fashion show? how riske yelp denver is....

Kezza said...

It was the yelp event. But the fashion show involved clothes. The chicks who worked at the bar were clothe-less. One girl may have been panty-less too. Her panties were so tiny half her ass hung out the bottom, and on top she had plumbers crack! WTF?

Kezza said...

Speaking of... if you work in such a place, do you even bother to put clothes on to go to work, or do you just drive there in your underwear?

Anonymous said...

could you imagine explaining that if you get pulled over? i'm just going to work, officer. no, not at a hooker.