Saturday, December 23, 2006

11 South Whitney Gingerbread House!

The making of a gingerbread house modelled after the house we lived in at UMass...

We didn't realize we had to MAKE the gingerbread. Screw that. We glued graham crackers to the base instead.

11SW's red stoop

The back deck Pruddy built for us

Thinkin hard

Paving the driveway

Sharing is caring...

Imagine if South Whitney had a NERDS driveway!

Hard work!!

Finishing touches...


Then we posed and took pictures.

Keg stand on the deck (and random upside down people)

Adam passed out in the front yard.

South Whitney's being attacked by a giant centepede!

...and octopi!!

Yeah roof!

Magic Rainbow Driveway

Chillin on the stoop...with one railing!

More keg stand!

Go S.U.!

Jamie's first day in Syracuse I gave her the whirlwind tour. Ate dinner at the Dinosaur BBQ, then went up to Tipperary Hill to have a drink with my Dad. Some guy at the bar gave us tickets to the SU Basketball game that night and we had nothing else to do, so we go to the game and it turns out our seats were in the 2nd row! Sweet as! (As they say in Aussieland.) Then we took the train back to Armory and checked out Lights on the Lake. All in all, a great first day in Syracuse!!

Presents for Jamie

My friend Jamie came up to spend Christmas with me and my family. She's Jewish, so this is her first Christmas! Yay! Of course she needed an ornament for the tree and a stocking! So I busted out my hidden craft skills ;-) Check it out...