Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Chicken soup for the ibook's soul??

For those of you who don't already know, last Thursday I spilled chicken soup all over my laptop. Yeah, not good. It wouldn't turn on, so I spent all weekend consulting with my faithful computer friends Ben and Scott, and dismantling the iBook not once, but twice. Thankfully, it seems to be damage free, and has been working normal since Sunday, so YAY for that! I'm pretty proud of the fact that I completely took apart and reassembled a laptop. We had a great online guide, and only one screw left over. haha. ;-) All from the girl who can't drive a stick-shift and doesn't know how to change a tire. Here's a couple pictures Ben took during the first disassemble. Don't mind the bad hair please, I had just gotten a too-short haircut and was too upset about the computer to even care or style it or anything. It's lookin cute now tho ;-) Oh and it was also laundry day - hence the weird t-shirt. Not exactly the best of all weekends....

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Toga Party!

Tuesday was a big toga party at the pub on campus. It's part of Orientation Week, and is a really big deal. I don't think I saw anyone NOT in a toga, and everyone, even people from off-campus attend. It's super fun to see what fabric everyone chooses to make their toga out of. Karen, Ben, and I went fabric shopping earlier in the day and went with some nice shiny satin. I know they look crazy complicated, but they are super simple to tie! I needed Karen to show me how, but really there's only two pins holding it together! I think people should wear togas more often. Certainly simplifies your wardrobe! Anyways, we got a little drunky and had a great time. Here's the pics :-)

Pre-party photo shoot

Right before the cops saw us and made us throw out our drinks...

More of those crazy Aussies...

Another photo shoot by a tree

Apparently the legend is true... Toga parties do lead to nudity...

Definitely wasn't expecting this...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Betty's 21st Birthday

Saturday was our lovely friend Betty's 21st Birthday party. These are kind of a big deal here, so we had a nice fancy dinner and her parents and family were there and everything. We also went out to a club later. The best part of the night though was Betty's present from Ben and me. She has been semi-joking for months now about going vibrator shopping, and how much she wants one... so Ben and I told her we were going to get her one for her birthday. But she made us promise we wouldn't because her parents and grandparents were going to be there. So instead we got her a "Rubber duckie" and put it in a bag with a bunch of other bath stuff. When she realized what it was, her face was priceless! Even better was when her mom blurted "I got one of those for my 21st! That one's a little small though..." hahaha. Priceless.

Betty's "fun" present. haha

They put all their drinks in front of me to make me look like a lush.

Uh oh... what's this??

The moment of realization...

The directions and catalog...

Betty's "fairy stick"

Haha... Libby???

Getting drunk and silly....

We are innocent sweet angels :-)

