Friday, December 15, 2006

2006 in Review

Time to reflect!!

1) Drinking Buddy of The Year?
That's tough... Ed, Jackie and George for Syracuse. Ben, Jaime or Stephi for Australia

2) Lifetime service award - Longest friend
George gets the longest friend award

3) High Point of the year?
Thailand. Definitely Thailand.

4) Low point of the year?
Back in February when the Syracuse depression was gettin me down and I was super sick. That sucked.

5) Best holiday?
Vacation holiday = Thailand
Holiday holiday = I'm prenominating Christmas cause I already know it will be the best!

6) Anthem for 2006?
That's tough...I'm just going to pick Oh Come all Ye Faithful by Twisted Sister cause it rocks so much.

7) Any Regrets?
Nah, no regrets

8) Best Night out?
Damn, another tough one. The night after cultural fest.. 6 people drinking 13 pitchers. The sepia tone night might just be my number 1. It wasn't at night but going to Conor O'Neil's at 8am to watch the World Cup was pretty fun. The last chill night on Koh Tao with Phillip. Pool party at my house. Karen's birthday party. So many great nights.

9) Worst Night out?
I'll nominate the one where Flo broke his foot chasing down a drunk South African. ;-)

10) Who did you spend your valentines with?
The Arad Evans Inn

11) Best relationship?
define relationship.

12) Worst relationship?
Hmmm... no comment.

13) Best concert?
Rose Hill Drive at the Sundowner. NYE might top that though

14) Best New Relationship/Friend?
Wow that's really hard. I met ALOT of awesome new people this year... Phillip, Vanessa, Jia, Karen, Stephi, Flo, Ben, Jaime, Pascale, Ziggy, Eric, Dickey (old but new) and more recently the SF crew - Hoa and Dave-o!

15) Best decision made all year?
To go to Thailand.

16) Best new album that you have gotten this year?
Definitely Twisted Sister's Twisted Christmas!!

17) Most proud moment?
Going to Thailand by myself for 3 weeks. Finishing my first semester of grad school.

18) Most reliable person?
Ed was always reliable for drinking. Jaime for listening. Eric for chatting online and providing distractions from work. Maia for being the best hetero-life partner ever. Karen for always studying and being a good influence. Phillip for travelling around Thailand. George for always being in Syracuse. Bret for always being in Boulder with a place to stay. Love you guys!

19) Best job of the year?
International traveller?

20) Best Film?
Any flim with evil germans ;-)

21) Biggest BITCH?
Can't say I met any bitches this year really.

22) Biggest pain in your ass?
Hmmm can't say...Probably my own nomadic desires combined with my lack of finances.

23) Person u wish u never met?
Can't think of anyone.

24) Catch phrase of the year?
Good times! High five!

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