Saturday, March 1, 2008

Walker Ranch Hike

It was over 70 degrees in Boulder today, so I went for a hike with Vanessa and her sister. We went up to Walker Ranch, which was new to me. It's up in the foothills a bit. The hike was bone dry in some places, and covered with a foot of snow or inches of water in other places. The snow made the hike a bit more challenging - like walking through sand. It was a perfect Saturday workout.

I think this might be the Walker Ranch Homestead, as we were on the Walker Ranch Homestead Trail, but I'm not entirely sure. The sign on the trail didn't say what the building was, just talked about the history of logging in the area. ??

Vanessa and me

We hiked through a grove of aspens at one point

And the trail ended at this overlook with views of the Continental Divide.

That's Longs Peak behind the trees

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