Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm still here...

It's been a while, so I thought I would give a little update. Unfortunately no fun pictures, because, well, I haven't done anything super fun lately! I've been SUPER busy finishing my thesis. I handed in a big draft of the first couple of chapters on Friday. Now I'm busy coding and analyzing the data from the survey. Sounds fun, huh?? I've also been busy trying to sell the scooter so I could buy my plane ticket home. I was getting worried, because noone was calling, but I finally found a girl, who like me, really wants a scoot to get around town. So it has a nice new home :-) And I bought my plane ticket. Yay! For those keeping track, I will be leaving Townsville at about 5am on June 13th, and arriving in Denver at 5pm the same day. After 30 hours of travelling. I'll then be in Boulder until the 17th house-hunting, job-hunting, hopefully job-interviewing, dancing my ass off to the motet, celebrating being a Master (hehe), and trying to see as many of my lovely friends as possible! And maybe relaxing a bit in there too ;-)

Monday I hand in my final draft of my thesis to my advisor for final comment. Then I have a presentation later that week, and then I kinda have a week off! *phew!* Then final corrections, then I'm done! I think it sounds alot easier than it's going to be, but at least I'm almost done!!

And for the record, I hate research, and never want to do a PhD! At least grad school taught me something! ;-)

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