Monday, April 30, 2007

The pictures you've all been waiting for...

Phew. Finally found the time to upload all my diving pics. I sat my last exam ever today!! Woohoo! Anyways, I think I'll do one day at a time :-) Seventeen dives in six days = lots of pics!

Day One, Saturday, April 21st:

Boarding was at 5pm. This basically meant get on board, get your room (I got my own room! Yay!), get gear that fits, and then go eat dinner back on land. We got back on board around 7:30, got a bit of a safety and schedule brief and off we sailed for the Ribbon Reefs...

Thar she blows! Or something like that...

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My room!

Sunset behind the boat

The "bio" room. Where we get all the marine biology lessons!

The Saloon... Where eating, site logs (what you saw on the dive) and dive briefs happen

All ready to go. Mine is the second from the right.

And we're off! No land for six days!!!

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