Friday, October 10, 2008

French Bunion Soup

This is not my actual x-ray. But I imagine it's pretty close. Actually, mine might be worse. After months/years of procrastinating, denying, and deliberating - I finally saw my orthopedic surgeon yesterday and scheduled a date for my Lapidus bunionectomy. On January 8th I will be sedated, have my foot and calf sliced into, have a tendon lengthened in my calf, my big toe joint essentially broken, some extra bone sawed off, and some screws put into the upper portion of my first metatarsal bone to permanently fuse them together. When all is said and done, my foot will hopefully look something like this:

I'm not really looking forward to it. The recovery process is going to be long and slow. 2 weeks bed rest, 6 weeks no-weight-bearing on crutches, and then I'll have to relearn how to walk. But I know it's only going to get worse as I get older, and now all the pieces are fitting together, and it just seems like the right time to do it. If my 50-year old dad can handle two knee-replacements, I think I can handle what essentially boils down to a broken foot.

I'll definitely blog the entire process. I think that will help with the cabin fever I'm undoubtedly going to suffer. Two weeks in bed/on the couch?!? I can't even imagine. At least it will be the middle of winter. I wonder if I'll be allowed to drink wine.... Might be time to stock up! ;-)

1 comment:

Kezza said...

Update: Surgery rescheduled for Feb. 12th.