Monday, April 27, 2009

UMass visits and Kezza learns to walk!!

Last weekend Jamie and Maia came to visit! Yay!!! It rained and it snowed... a lot. We spent way too much time indoors. We stayed up way too late every night. We probably drank too much (although we did have leftovers, so perhaps we are getting old!) I learned how to walk without crutches! I danced for the first time in months! James turned into a vampire. Vanessa lost her wallet and then it was found! George got addicted to wii. We definitely had an insane amount of fun. It was like being back at UMass, but 10 times better. I miss you guys!

I honestly don't even know what to write about that weekend. My absolute favorite part of the weekend was witnessing close old friends meet close new friends, and within hours EVERYONE was old friends. I love when that happens. I know I say it all the time. But I seriously love my friends. And someday, when I get married, holy crap is that going to be the best party ever!! (Yeah, I dream about the party, not the guy.)

I think it would just be best if I post some pics now :-) Some from me, most from Jamie. Some captions also stolen from Jamie. Enjoy!


Kath said...

Awesome pix- and pix commentary!

I wanna come visit :-)

(yeah, I know I live in Denver....still wanna come visit, tho!)

kaplow said...

come to boston!!!