Monday, January 22, 2007

The Hamburgler

Woke up early again Saturday morning to check out some markets in the area of Sydney called Glebe. It was sooo hot and sunny that I had to find a hat. But I couldn't find anything in the markets so I relented and went to KMart. KMart here is way better than in the States. Kinda like Target. Later on that afternoon I caught up with Jaime, a Uni friend, and we hung out in Hyde Park for a bit before going to the movies to see Pan's Labyrinth. Awesome movie. Go see it. Before the movie we hit up Hungry Jack's, which is Burger King in Australia. Jaime ordered this HUGE double whopper with cheese and it actually looked really good and something inside me really wanted to try a bite, so I did. And it was GOOD. So I took another. For the record, I still don't like red meat.... but this didn't really taste like meat cause it was cooked all the way through and stuff. And I know I wouldn't be able to eat a whole one. But one bite was ok. Jaime documented the moment:

A street in Glebe:

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