Sunday, January 21, 2007

Tahoe Snow Trip!!

Left Boulder and flew to San Francisco on the 11th :-( I'll be back Boulder! Got into San Fran pretty late, and had to get ready for the Snow Trip to Tahoe! A group of Maia's friends puts together this big snow trip to Tahoe every year. They rent out an entire motel with 16 rooms and about 50-60 people go. Even better it only costs $150 for all the food/beer/alcohol/lodging for 3 nights! Pretty sweet. So we went up early early Friday morning. It was super cold (10 degrees) when we got to Tahoe, but it was still beautiful. I love the big tall pine trees everywhere... so very California. I also love how it's totally touristy but not crazy built up with HUGE hotels and resorts everywhere. Everything has this interesting log cabin/ski resort kind of look to it. Even the fast food joints. So these kids we went up with are awesome. I had met a bunch of them when I was in San Fran this past summer and went camping with them, and also this past December when Maia and I crashed at their house for a few days. They party hard, but they also have their shit together and clean up everyday and cook these amazing meals for breakfast and dinner. Breakfast was an egg/potato/veggie scramble, bacon, sausage, and pancakes. Dinner was spaghetti with sausage and salad the first night, corned beef and cabbage the second night, and a salad with chicken pasta alfredo the last night. Crazy delicious. There were also lots of (drinking) games to be had, and a movie screen, and then when you needed to get away from the crowd, the privacy of your room (which we shared with about 5 people.) Pretty awesome weekend. Here's the pictures:

The Lounge area...

The kitchen with two of everything:

Front porch:

Lots of food!

Our room:

The beer pong nook:

Allie and Luke dancing. Awww...

Leg wrestling:

The chefs!

"Star Wars":

The salads I made :-)

Dinner! Yum!!

Hardcore Gamer!!

"Crazy Jenga"

Woh Hoa. Woh.

Air Hockey!

Invasion of Personal Space!

Trix Hold 'em:

Hoa the Open Mic host entertaining us all:

Open mic fun. Magicians, musicians and more!

Woh now.

That's right. We went to the casino and played DDR!

Dave-o playing some crazy games

Crazy waterfall in the casino lobby:

1 comment:

FAB5 said...

It was great to see you too in Tahoe. When will you pop up next!!!


a.k.a. suzdogg!!!