Monday, January 29, 2007

You can call me for free!!

A friend of mine introduced me to this new service: which allows people from the US to make free international calls to over 50 different countries... and yes! Australia is on the list. First you call a regular number in the US, and with most cell phones this is free!

In case you are skeptical check out this article about the company on abc news : It is pretty legit. They use VOIP to route the calls cheaply and advertising to pay for the calls much like websites do. Pretty sweet idea!

So yeah, if anyone wants to try this out and call me, my home number (including country code) is: 617 4728 1530 I'm not home alot lately cause I am taking a class from 9am - 5pm everyday until next Thursday, but leave me a message! Drunk dial me anytime! (Although if you can dial that many digits, you probably aren't drunk enough.) I checked with the service and apparently Aussie mobile phones don't work yet (probably because they are more expensive to call). But if you want to try just get in touch with me and I'll give you my cell number.

So now you guys have no excuse not to call me!! haha Pictures from Australia Day (their 4th of July) coming soon...

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