Wednesday, November 12, 2008

27, single, and .... balding??

Yesterday was not a good day. Actually, it felt like an incredibly bad dream.

First, I had my annual gyno exam. Nothing bad happened, but obviously these are not the best time. On the upside, I did get a $5 gift card to Chipotle for having to wait 20 minutes in an extremely cold office in nothing but an oddly revealing "robe". Sweet.

Second, While hanging out with Vanessa, I was running my hands through my hair and felt something odd. Continued feeling resulted in more oddness.... hmm... is that skin? "Vanessa, do I have a weird bald spot or something back here?" Vanessa tentatively replied, "Ummm... kinda...." WTF?? Two mirrors were needed STAT. Sure enough, under a layer of hair, I do indeed have a 1.5" x 1" bald spot. Like bic razered bald. It's a perfect rectangle too. My first thought was, "Holy shit, did someone shave my head in my sleep???" After admitting that this was a highly improbable notion, I then commenced freaking out about losing my hair. Bald dudes everywhere, I completely fucking sympathize. A game plan was hatched. Go see hairdresser (she doesn't ever remember seeing it.) Call doctor, it could be related to my thyroid problems (appointment on Tuesday.) Think about how much worse it could be. Hey, at least you can't see it unless I move my hair out of the way.

Third, In the midst of the hair-loss freakout, Truman called. That was interesting. I hadn't seen him all weekend because he was away on a business trip, and I was really looking forward to seeing him and catching up. And possibly laughing about my shitty day. So I head over to his place, and well, as the subject line says, I am indeed single again. (For the record, I did not get the chance to tell him about the hair loss incident. Didn't want people to think he heard that and promptly dumped me. Although that would be funny.) Sorry for everyone who got their hopes up for me :-( There's not really too much more to say about that. At least in this public forum.

Today, I took a much needed sick day (although I still had to go into work for a couple of hours). And I am contemplating a trip to Cali next wknd instead of the hut trip, since I already took the day off of work. Cali peeps - let's talk.

And sorry about the sad-blog... but I get one free pity-post right??

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