Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Up and Atom!

Hair/thyroid update:

My TSH was low. That's Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. It's a hormone the pituitary gland emits to tell the thyroid how much thyroid hormone to make. When it's low, that can mean that the thyroid is making too much. This isn't unexpected really. I essentially have an extra half a thyroid in there just doing it's own thing (how appropriate). There's no way to really know whether this is related to the bald-spot or not, but it very well could be. Speaking of bald spots, I don't know how you bald men/women deal in the winter! I mean, obviously you must have an awesome hat collection. Or a scalp of steel. Even though it's not totally bald because it is covered up with hair, I can still totally feel the cold, cold air on my spot every time I walk outside. It's a strange feeling!

Annnyways, yesterday I swallowed three radioactive pills for a thyroid scan. It is a bit strange to see something so radioactive (but still, apparently, not that bad) that it's kept in a special for-radioactive-substances container..which is subsequently kept in container... and then ANOTHER container. And then to put that radioactive substance in your stomach. Good thing I eat a lot of spicy Thai food.

For the past two days, thoughts of obtaining super powers have floated through my mind. But above all else, I can't get this out of my head..."My eyes! Ze goggles do nothing!" I hope I don't laugh too much during the exam. :-)

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